Ep 23 | Sensational Surrogacy


February 20, 2021

On today’s episode, we’re going to look into some of the most sensationalized surrogacy cases that have hit the headlines. While a lot of these stories have the appeal of a juicy tabloid exposé, they’re worth examining as cautionary tales and as a way to understand why so many are vocally opposed to the practice.

Surrogacy gives intended parents hope where they were lacking it before—everyone deserves to experience parenthood if they so desire, and without alternatives to traditional family building, that wouldn’t be possible. And so, it’s up to people like us, who believe that surrogacy is an empowering and necessary path to parenthood, to do everything we can to protect its status, both legally and in the public’s perception.

The best way to do that? By doing your homework, adhering to best practices, and never, ever cutting corners, especially when it comes to the legal side of your surrogacy journey. If you plan to DIY as much of the process to save on costs, more power to you! I fully support that. However, you do NOT want to end up in the headlines because you skipped some important steps or failed to get a solid contract drafted. This is one of the major reasons why I developed a new course, Surrogacy Roadmap, to guide intended parents along the path of independent surrogacy: wisely, legally, and mindfully. If you’re thinking about going the independent route, check out the link https://surrogacyroadmap.com

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