Guest Speaker: Candace Wohl

Ep 22 | Independent Surrogacy with Candace Wohl


February 15, 2021
In this episode of Fertility Cafe, host Eloise Drane talks with Candace Wohl about safe independent surrogacy. Candace Wohl, writer, public speaker, and over-sharer of all things infertility is now a mother through surrogacy after over a decade long struggle. Candace and her husband Chris decided that in order to overcome adversity, they must stare it directly in the face with humor and positivity through their award-winning blog, “Our Misconception” which started in 2012. The couple was also featured on MTV’s True Life, “I’m Desperate to Have a Baby,” a documentary on couples who struggle with infertility, and MTV’s Check-Ups and Check-Ins. Candace is also a contributor for Huffington Post, POPSUGAR, Pregnantish, and many other online sites and magazines. Candace and her husband have been featured throughout national TV as well as on GQ, Women’s Health Magazine, Google Blog, Glamour, O, The Oprah Magazine, and a variety of other national outlets. Apart from her professional career as a content writer and digital marketing specialist, she is also a fierce advocate towards pushing for family-building legislation and infertility awareness and is an active volunteer for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association. Apart from her advocacy work, in her spare time, she leads a RESOLVE support group, helping couples who are struggling with infertility and miscarriage.

“You have to change your perspective, but you have to be in a place where you can.”

During this 53-minute episode Eloise and Candace discuss:

  • Candace’s surrogacy journey started with a blog + MTV series in 2012.
  • Being blind to the options from the grief from loss and how Candace moved past this.
  • Surrogacy is a relationship-talking and listening on all ends is key.
  • Making it a priority to support their gestational carriers every step of the way.
  • The differences between both of Candace’s GC’s.
  • Importance of having a birth plan ahead of time and sticking to it as much as possible with respect to all parties.

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