Eloise Drane - Page 12
Ep 71 | International Surrogacy
In this episode, we talked about all the reasons why international surrogacy can get IPs into trouble and the few benefits that don’t make the hassle worth it.
Ep 70 | First-Hand Stories from an Egg Donor
What is it really like for egg donors? What are their motivations for donating? What is their experience? How do they feel about known versus anonymous donations? We talked to one egg donor about her take on these questions.
Ep 69 | Facing Your Child’s Health Issues After Egg Donation
In this episode we answer this question along with others like, what happens if the child has health issues and the IPs opted for an anonymous donation? What do IPs need to consider early in their IVF journey that may affect their child’s health 10, 20, and more years down the road?
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