Eloise Drane - Page 27
Ep 28 | If These Ovaries Could Talk
On this episode we have two lesbians chatting about non-traditional families. Jaimie Kelton and Robin Hopkins, the creators and hosts of the popular podcast If These Ovaries Could Talk, realized the world needed to know there was more than one way to make an LGBTQ family.
Ep 27 | Military Wives and Surrogacy
On today’s episode of Fertility Cafe, we talk about one special group of women who just so happen to make up a large share of surrogate mothers in the United States: military wives. What makes these women so uniquely suited to serve as surrogates? Is there something in particular that motivates or inspires them to answer the call?
Ep 26 | Sisters in Loss
Sisters in Loss provides pregnancy, birth, postpartum, bereavement, and grief services to help women step beyond anxiety and fear and into trust and peace after loss. It’s self-titled podcast spotlights resilient Black mothers who share intimate details of their journey to motherhood through painful, but inspirational loss and infertility stories.
Ep 25 | Fresh Egg Donor Cycles
On today’s episode, we’re going to talk about what happens after an Intended Parent has finally found his or her ideal egg donor. Host Eloise Drane tells it like it is, setting realistic expectations, in hopes of warding off disappointment and frustration during the egg donor process.
Ep 24 | Women of Color and Infertility
On today’s episode, Rev. Stacey Edwards-Dunn Founder of Fertility for Colored Girls shares her own infertility journey, her organization, the cultural norm of silence shrouding fertility and family building topics, and what institutions of faith can do better for those who are struggling to conceive.
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