Intended Parents - Page 3
Ep 17 Part 1 | Infertility: African-American Community Personal Stories
Black women experience infertility at almost 2x the rate of our counterparts and yet we are least likely to seek treatment. In addition, many conditions that directly impact fertility, such as fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, and others disproportionately affect black women as well. The harmful stereotypical belief that black women are somehow more fertile, or that we don’t participate in foster care, adoption, or fertility treatments is yet another factor. Newsflash: We aren’t, and we do.
Together, Regina Townsend – founder of The Broken Brown Egg – and Eloise Drane are partnering to encourage other Black women to begin this very important dialogue of reproductive health and fertility.
Ep 16 | Fertility Benefits+Insurance Coverage-Advocate Davina Fankhauser
Eloise talks fertility benefits and how to secure insurance coverage for your family building efforts with infertility advocate Davina Fankhauser of Fertility Within Reach.
Ep 12 | A Spouse’s Perspective on His Wife Being a Surrogate
You want to become a surrogate, but you’re wondering how to make sure your partner or spouse is on board with your decision? Eloise’s husband Anthony joins her to have an open, honest, and REAL discussion about a spouse’s reaction to his wife becoming a surrogate.
Ep 11 | Surrogacy Laws You Should Know Before Starting
When it comes to the legalities of parenthood using a surrogate, you do NOT want to cut any corners. This is a must listen for anyone new to surrogacy – don’t start your journey without understanding your rights and the legalities of the country or state you reside in.
Ep 10 | How To Find Your Best Egg Donor
Deciding to undergo IVF with donor eggs is a major step on your fertility journey. How can you find an egg donor that’s perfect for you and your future family?
Ep 09 | How to Find the Right Woman to Be Your Surrogate
One of the most important decisions you’ll make in the surrogacy process is choosing the woman who will carry your baby. Learn the questions to ask, topics to discuss ahead of time, and the pitfalls to avoid.
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