Interviews - Page 3
Ep 76 | Embryo Donation: What Are We Doing with All the Leftover Frozen Embryos?
In this episode we answer this question along with others like, do they have a ticking clock on them in terms of viability? How does the fertility industry handle these delicate scenarios? And are there other avenues that ought to be explored – but haven’t as of yet?
Ep 74 | Medical Records & Privacy
In this episode, we discuss medical history and privacy of donors and surrogates during the donation or surrogacy processes.
Ep 72 | Egg Donor Advocacy Groups
In this episode, we talked to Liz Scheier, a member of the leadership team at the We Are Egg Donors advocacy group on issues she has seen be most prevalent in the egg donor community and how she hopes the fertility industry will evolve.
Ep 70 | First-Hand Stories from an Egg Donor
What is it really like for egg donors? What are their motivations for donating? What is their experience? How do they feel about known versus anonymous donations? We talked to one egg donor about her take on these questions.
Ep 68 | The Dark Side of Surrogacy & Egg Donation
In this episode, we talked to Diane Tober, Medical Anthropologist and Researcher at UCSF about her research and what issues she has seen as most prevalent within the dark side of the industry.
Ep 66 | Is There Such Thing as Anonymity Any Longer?
In this episode, we’ll talk about whether or not it is still possible to be anonymous and, if not, what damage (if any) that can do to the third party reproduction industry and participants.
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